Individual Members
The following are INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS of GAMH. Details of membership here.
Shalya Anand. Dr. Shalya Anand is a researcher at the Health Economic Evaluation at Julius Research Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. She also works as a visiting researcher at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) for her master’s thesis on health literacy as a social vaccine to promote the uptake of gender-neutral HPV vaccination and overcome vaccine hesitancy. She believes that advocating female-only HPV vaccination leads to the stigmatization of women and the marginalization of men. Shalya believes in the promotion of health literacy focused on boys and young men to minimize the burden of growing penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancers in men.
José Arturo Bauermeister. Dr. José Arturo Bauermeister, MPH, PhD (he/him) is Albert M. Greenfield Professor of Human Relations and Founding Faculty Director of the Eidos LGBTQ+ Health Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania. Trained as a public health scientist, Dr. Bauermeister’s research integrates perspectives from the social sciences, humanities, and medicine to address the health disparities experienced by sexual and gender minorities. He currently is testing several technology-assisted multilevel interventions focused on HIV prevention, LGBTQ+ health, and cognitive and emotional well-being.
David Baxter. David is a physiotherapist and Professor at the Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation Research at the University of Otago (New Zealand). David’s research expertise is in the fields of: physical activity and health; musculoskeletal pain, including low back pain; and laser medicine. His current projects include older men’s opinions and needs in terms of health and wellbeing (PhD: Hui Xiao), and stratified care for low back pain (STarTBack).
Margarita Bernales. Margarita is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She earned her PhD in Community Health at the University of Auckland (New Zealand) and her MS in Health Psychology and her BS in Psychology at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Margarita’s research expertise is in the fields of: cultural competence, medical anthropology, gender studies and masculinities. Her current projects include exploring the health needs of young men in Chile, from a gender and diversity approach.
Chris Booth. Professor Chris Booth is a retired consultant urologist from Colchester (UK). He set up the urology department in Colchester, establishing a national and international reputation for clinical research and service redesign and gaining regional status as a cancer centre. After leaving the NHS in 2006, Chris continued in clinical practice , worked on four different Department of Health (DH) Committees, drafted two DH reports and provided consultancy to two Primary Care Trusts and the Greater Manchester CATS (Clinical Assessment and Treatment Services) project. Chris is currently a director of the CHAPS Men’s Health Charity and Healthwatch Essex and a member of the Clinical Advisory Board for TACKLE Prostate Cancer with a brief to advise on screening and early diagnosis.
Mark Brooks. Mark Brooks is a UK communications, commentator and public policy adviser in the field of male inclusion, health and domestic abuse. He is involved in a number of organisations and projects. These include being the chair of the ManKind Initiative domestic abuse charity; co-founder/trustee of the Men and Boys Coalition charity; national ambassador for International Men’s Day UK and policy advisor on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Issues affecting Men and Boys. On the latter he was the lead author on reports on the need for a men’s health strategy and male suicide, and, a member of the UK Government’s Task and Finish Group on improving male access to health services. He received an OBE in 2019 for his work in domestic abuse and an honorary doctorate (DLitt) in 2023 from the University of West London. His website is
Paula Carroll. Dr Paula Carroll a Senior Lecturer and men’s health researcher at the South East Technological University, Waterford Campus, Ireland. She has extensive experience in the area of men’s health at a research, policy and advocacy level. She co-authored the world’s first National Men’s Health Policy (2008) and the subsequent National Men’s Health Action Plan (2016). Her primary research interest is action based research in the area of men’s health promotion and with a view to creating intervention models that can be implemented to scale for the benefit of population health. Previous work includes the national Men on the Move project which is rolled out nationally and currently, she is working with UEFA and others to develop a sustainable and scalable implementation model for the roll out of a recreational football initiative for men. She is also a co-author of Ireland’s national men’s health training programme, ENGAGE that is funded by the Health Services Executive (HSE) and aims to develop gender competency in service provision for men in Ireland. She has served on the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland.
Mungabo Chongo. Mungabo Chongo M.D. is an early career researcher with a masters in public health from the University of Zambia with a focus on health promotion and education. His master’s thesis on male clinician’s insights on gender-sensitive care for men in primary healthcare aimed to be a reflection point on the context specificity of current implementation strategies that target men’s health in Zambia. He believes that clinical encounters have potential for very effective health promotional activities for men, but that clinicians need to have a heightened critical awareness and value gender-sensitive health delivery.
Christopher J Colvin. Chris is a Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Virginia (with honorary affiliations at the University of Cape Town and Brown University). He is an anthropologist and epidemiologist by training. His research focuses on men, masculinity and HIV in the South African context, with a specific focus on the development of community and health system-based strategies for better engaging men in HIV prevention and treatment services. He also has an interest in developing theories of change to explain shifts in gender norms and practices for use in gender transformative initiatives.
Morna Cornell. Dr Morna Cornell is a senior researcher and manager of the IeDEA-SA (International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS Southern Africa) scientific collaboration based at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She is also a co-investigator on the iALARM project to improve men’s linkage to HIV care. She has worked in the field of HIV/AIDS since 1992, initially as Executive Director of the South African AIDS Consortium, 1992-2000, and was a founder member of the Treatment Action Campaign. In 2014 she was awarded her PhD for a thesis on the evolution and effectiveness of the South African antiretroviral therapy programme. Morna has a particular interest in the invisibility of boys and men in HIV programmes and in public health.
Dr. Okey K. Enyia. Dr. Okey K. Enyia is Founder & CEO of Enyia Strategies, LLC – a health policy consulting firm that provides advising, research support, policy analysis, project management, and legislative strategy for stakeholders seeking measurable ways to influence policy on issues related to health equity, health disparities, social drivers of health and health in all policies. As a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Health Policy Fellow, he worked for three members of Congress on a wide range of issue areas in the context of health, education, foreign policy, civil rights, voting rights, and advocacy. As a scholar-activist and policy-maker, he also enjoys mapping policy and research to rigorous organizing and civic engagement in order to build and sustain a robust constituency for meaningful social change. He earned a Doctorate in Health Policy from the George Washington University School of Public Health, holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from Chicago State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Biochemistry from Lewis University. His current research interests include Black men’s health, access to care, and artificial intelligence/machine learning. He enjoys giving back to his community as a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and resides in Washington DC with his wife and son.
Caroline Flurey. Dr Caroline Flurey is an Associate Professor of Men’s Health and Long Term Conditions at University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol (UK). Caroline has a background in health psychology and her primary research focus is experiences, coping strategies and support needs of men with long term conditions, particularly within rheumatology. She also supervises PhD, Prof Doc, MSc and BSc students on projects focusing on a range of men’s health and mental wellbeing issues. Caroline is a trustee for Men and Boys Coalition, the umbrella charity for the UK men and boys’ health and wellbeing sector, and a past-President of British Health Professionals in Rheumatology.
Paul Galdas. Paul is a Professor of Nursing at the Department of Health Sciences, University of York, UK. He began his career as a Registered Nurse on the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) at City Hospital, Birmingham, later moving to work on CCU at St James’s Hospital, Leeds. His PhD examining the influence of masculinity on men’s help-seeking behaviour for cardiac chest pain, was awarded in 2006 from the University of Leeds. Since this time he has developed a programme of research in the field of men’s health, investigating men’s help-seeking and engagement with health services in a variety of issues including coronary heart disease, depression, perinatal mental health and chronic illness, and has published widely on these topics. Paul’s research interest is primarily grounded in identifying ways to integrate understandings of gender/masculinity into the design and delivery of health services in order to make them more effective, accessible and acceptable to men. He has used a range of research methodologies, with particular expertise in applied qualitative research. Paul held academic positions at the University of British Columbia, Canada, and the University of Sheffield, UK, before joining the University of York in 2011.
Jon Gilgoff. Jon is currently a PhD social work student at University of Maryland School of Social Work. He was founder and former Director of the Oakland, CA based nonprofit Brothers on the Rise. He has been working for over twenty-five years to support boys’ and men’s health through gender and culturally responsive practice, policy, and research. Jon’s current research focuses on national men’s health policy and programming, and how the USA may apply lessons learned from other countries with such initiatives.
Robin Hadley. Robin holds a PhD (Social Gerontology) from Keele University, UK. His main interests are on male childlessness and ageing across the lifecourse and raising the profile on this excluded and ignored population. He is an Associate Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, an Early Career Researcher, founder member of the campaign group Ageing Without Children and advisor to the childless advocacy group New Legacy Institute. Robin has published several academic papers and contributed chapters to edited books and his research has been widely published in international and national media. His sole-authored auto/biographical book on the impact of male childlessness across the life course has been critically acclaimed.
Paul Hopkins. Paul has an MSc in Men’s Health and studied at Leeds Metropolitan University . He has a background in nursing and public health work, with interests in social marketing and male health promotion; he has also worked in the private sector and as a Research Associate at the University of South Australia with Associate Professor Gary Misan. Paul is currently a Visiting Fellow of the University of Gloucestershire and developing the Mengage project with a focus on practical preventative health work with boys and men. He is also is a member of the Erasmus+ Project team for SSaMS (Sports Science Students as Mentors) which aims to improve the educational attainment of boys and young men through the mentoring capabilities of sports science students.
Rohan D. Jeremiah. Rohan D. Jeremiah, Ph.D., MPH, is the Associate Dean for Global Health and an Associate Professor of Human Development Nursing Science at the University of Illinois Chicago, College of Nursing. Trained in medical anthropology and global health, Dr. Jeremiah focuses on understanding and eliminating racial, ethnic, and gender health inequities to optimize minority men’s health behaviours and outcomes. His expertise includes qualitative methods, community-based participatory research, programme evaluation, and community health interventions. His scholarship reflects more than twenty-five years of international health experiences throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, South and East Asia, the Caribbean, and the United States. He has served as a technical advisor to PEPFAR, United Nations, and USAID. Currently, he is promoting community-based participatory research strategies to address refugee health disparities.
Lovemore Khomo. Lovemore is a journalist and PR communications expert with over eight years’ experience working with a number of media houses in Malawi. He has a particular interest in health and aims to generate coverage of men’s health issues in Malawi and more widely in the Africa region.
Mike Kirby. Professor Mike Kirby has expertise in all aspects of men’s health, with particular strengths in the management of diabetes, and cardiovascular risk, lower urinary tract symptoms, erectile dysfunction, and andrology. He is an Associate Member of The British Association of Urological Surgeons, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Visiting Professor to the Prostate Centre London. Mike is also editor in chief of the Primary Care Cardiovascular Journal and sits on the editorial boards of several journals including the British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease and the International Journal of Clinical Practice.
Dr. med. Franklin Kuehhas. Dr. Franklin Kuehhas is a medical specialist in the field of urology and andrology. He specializes in reconstructive andrology, which deals with complex issues surrounding the male genitalia. Dr. Kuehhas received his specialization training at the University College London. He also underwent his training at the prestigious University Hospital in Heidelberg (Germany) and at the University Hospital of Vienna (Austria). Dr Kuehhas focuses on the treatment of congenital and acquired penile curvatures (Peyronie’s disease). His research activities have resulted in many publications and improvements of surgical techniques such as the STAGE technique for congenital penile curvature treatment. Furthermore Dr Kuehhas also focuses on the surgical treatment of therapy-resistant erectile dysfunction. As a recognized expert in his fields of interest, he is frequently invited as speaker at meetings and congresses all over the world. Website.
Natalie Leon. Dr Natalie Leon is a health system and public health researcher with applied and research expertise in strengthening health systems in low- and middle-income countries. She is co-investigator on the iALARM project to improve men’s linkage to HIV care in Cape Town, South Africa and co-authored a commissioned report on male equity in TB services in South Africa. She specializes in qualitative evidence reviews to inform the development of global guidelines for strengthening health services and systems, and her research includes intervention development, process evaluation, and implementation science research.
Morris Lewis. Morris is a United States-based public affairs and policy consultant. He is a healthcare and pharmaceutical industry professional, including more than 16 years at Pfizer, where he worked in numerous commercial and corporate affairs roles. Morris’ most recent role was at Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, where he led the Corporate Affairs function. In that capacity, he directed the organization’s public affairs and policy efforts, focusing on proactively addressing issues facing the consumer healthcare industry by working with trade associations, regulators and other stakeholders. He also led efforts to shape the environment around numerous 1st-in-class or category Rx-to-OTC switches, including such areas as erectile dysfunction, high cholesterol, overactive bladder, and smoking cessation. He was an active leader in Pfizer’s successful switch of Viagra in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.
Maria Lohan. Maria is a Professor of Social Science and Health at Queen’s University Belfast. One of her early papers called How can we understand men’s health better?, published in Social Science and Medicine, was selected by the Editor as one of the most influential articles on gender and health in the 2000s, in its contribution to the debate about moving from merely cultural explanations of men’s health towards intersectional understandings of men’s health. Her programme of research on men’s health has focused on male engagement in sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equality. Maria has served on the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland and is a consultant to the World Health Organization in their generation of a global research agenda on Masculinities and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Jacqui Macdonald. Jacqui is an Associate Professor in Psychology at the Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development (SEED), Deakin University, Australia. Her expertise is in longitudinal studies of development across the lifespan. She investigates the psychosocial lifecourse trajectories of boys to fathers with a particular interest in predictors or paternal perinatal mental health. She established the longitudinal Men and Parenting Pathways (MAPP) study. She leads the 1 in 10 Men project, funded by the Australian Medical Research Future Fund, developing Guidelines for Male Preconception Mental Health Care. She is the convenor of the Australian Fatherhood Research Consortium, and she is a member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Male Health, Ten to Men.
Matthew Maycock. Matthew is currently doing research at the Scottish Prison Service College, focusing on developing academic processes and supporting the development of a diploma that represents a significant change in the way that future Prison Officers will be trained in Scotland. Matthew was previously undertaking post-doctoral research at the Social and Public Health Scientist Unit at the Glasgow University. His research focused on masculinity and health in prisons, with a particular focus on the adaption of a health promotion intervention delivered in a number of secure institutions in Scotland. Matthew’s PhD thesis focused on masculinities in post-conflict Nepal, specifically considering the experiences of a group of recently freed bonded labourers.
Donald McCreary. Dr Donald McCreary is an independent men’s health consultant (DRM Scientific Consulting), as well as an Adjunct Professor of Psychology (Brock University, Canada). His background is in the social psychology of gender, focusing on gender role socialization and measurement. After reading David Brannon’s 1976 chapter on the blueprint for the male gender role, he began to focus more on the psychology of men, masculinity, and men’s health. Don has authored numerous papers and chapters, was the co-editor of the Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology, and served as the founding Associate Editor for two men’s health-related journals, Psychology of Men and Masculinity and the International Journal of Men’s Health. He continues to serve on editorial boards and volunteers for men’s health-related organizations, such as the Movember Foundation.
Ruth Mursa. Ruth is a Registered Nurse and an Endorsed Nurse Practitioner residing in Newcastle NSW Australia. She is a highly experienced primary health care nurse, and holds a MN (Advanced Practice) and a MN (Nurse Practitioner), as well as additional postgraduate qualifications in sexual and reproductive health and continence. Ruth is a PhD candidate at the University of Wollongong, researching men’s help-seeking and engagement with general practice.
Davies Mwachumu. Davies is passionate about development work and supporting under-served communities. He has extensive work experience in research, health policy advocacy and social accountability project management. Davies has worked as Head of Programs at Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) for 11 years.
Amon Ashaba Mwiine. Amon holds a PhD (Sociology) from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He is a Lecturer in the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University (Uganda). He teaches on courses that include: Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities, Gender and Sexuality and Feminist Theory. Amon currently holds a research fellowship in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. His research focus is ‘On the Feminist encounter with men and masculinities: Silences, Polarities and the Contradictions of the ‘turn to male involvement’ in Uganda.’ His recent publications include a 2019 co-authored book chapter, ‘Contesting ideas, aligning incentives: The politics of Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act 2010’, in Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South: The Politics of Domestic Violence Policy (S. Nazneen, S. Hickey, & S. Eleni, eds). In 2019, he also published ‘Negotiating patriarchy? Exploring the ambiguities of the narratives on “male champions” of gender equality in Uganda Parliament’ in Agenda. 33(1):108–116.
John Oliffe. Professor John Oliffe is based at the School of Nursing, University of British Columbia in Canada. His research programme in masculinities and men’s health has focused on prostate cancer, depression and suicide and men’s smoking. He is the principal investigator of a Movember-funded project titled Masculinities and Men’s Depression and Suicide. John has also collaborated on work on a range of other men’s health issues including immigrant men’s heart health, male youth sexual health, Aboriginal men’s health, incarcerated men’s health and gay men’s intimate partner violence.
Ian Peate. Ian is a Registered Nurse and a Visiting Professor at Kingston University, London and St George’s, University of London, Visiting Professor Northumbria University, Professorial Fellow University of Roehampton and Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow with the University of Hertfordshire. Ian is Editor in Chief of the British Journal of Nursing and Consultant Editor of the Journal of Paramedic Practice, Consultant Editor International Journal for Advancing Practice. His key interests are nursing practice and theory, men’s health, HIV and sexual health.
Mahesh Puri. Dr Mahesh Puri is Co-Director at the Centre for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities (CREHPA), a national non-profit research organization based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Mahesh has been actively involved in the areas of reproductive and sexual health and rights, including gender-based violence and men’s health-related research studies and programmes, for more than 20 years in Nepal. His current research focuses on unintended pregnancy, abortion, family planning, maternal and child health, gender-based violence, and men’s health. He has extensive experience in engaging concerned national-level stakeholders in the research process and results uptake.
Simon Rice. Dr Simon Rice is a Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist with Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, at The University of Melbourne (Australia). He has a joint clinical and research interest in young men’s mental health including the assessment of depression, anger and risk-taking behaviours, in addition to men’s help seeking behaviours and masculinity. Simon’s PhD developed the Male Depression Risk Scale, a multi-dimensional assessment tool for atypical or externalising symptoms of depression or distress in men. He holds a concurrent clinical position at the Youth Mood Clinic, Orygen Youth Health Clinical Program – an early intervention service for young people experiencing severe and complex depression and suicidality.
Noel Richardson. Dr Noel Richardson has extensive experience in the area of men’s health at a research, policy and advocacy level. He is principal author of the first ever National Policy on Men’s Health, which was published in Ireland in 2009, and the follow-up National Men’s Action Plan published in 2016. He has worked as a senior researcher and policy advisor in men’s health at the Department of Health in Ireland since 2005. He is also co-author of the first European Union report on men’s health, published in 2011. Noel completed a doctoral thesis on men’s health in 2007 and has authored a number of peer-reviewed and other publications in men’s health. He is a board member of the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland and the European Men’s Health Forum.
Damien Ridge. Damien is Professor of Health Studies, and Acting Head of Psychology, at the University of Westminster, London. A specialist in patient experience, he was previously at the Health Experiences Research Group (HERG) at the University of Oxford. In 2010, the UK-wide National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) adopted his research extensively into their guidance on the management of depression in adults. In 2015, his work in originating the Atlas Men’s Wellbeing pilot programme for distressed men in primary care was shortlisted for the BMJ Award (primary care). He is a psychotherapist and social scientist, who has published over 80 academic papers and one sole-authored book, with a keen interest in working with men to improve their mental health. He is a Trustee of the CALM charity.
Steve Robertson. Steve is Professor of Men, Gender and Health at Leeds Beckett University in the UK where he is also Co-Director of the Centre for Men’s Health. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Men’s Health. Steve’s main interests and publications are around social theories of masculinity and their application to aspects of health and health promotion. He has also acted as a consultant on gender and men’s health to the UK Department of Health and to WHO (Europe).
Charles R. Rogers. Charles is Founding Director of the Men’s Health Inequities Research Lab and an esteemed member of the University of Michigan-Mixed Methods Program. As a behavioural scientist, he has dedicated his career to studying, partnering with, and advocating for various underserved and socially vulnerable populations. For over 14 years, his research has focused on colorectal cancer (CRC) awareness and prevention among African-American men. His research also encompasses cancer health disparities, behavioural and community-based implementation science, mixed methods, and survey methodology. His efforts have earned him recognition as a thought leader in men’s health and his voice is heard in prestigious journals like JCO Oncology Practice and Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, as well as on platforms like NPR. Website:
Nathan Romano-Solís. Nathan is a non-binary Costa Rican psychologist. He graduated with an Academic Master’s Degree in Women, Genders and Sexualities and an Academic Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). He is interested in multiple topics related to psychology and queer theory and has a particular interest in access to health (physical and psychological) for and the human rights of intersex, trans and non-binary people. He is a clinical psychologist with a psychoanalytic approach.
Michael J Rovito. Michael is a devoted husband and involved father. He is a connoisseur of grunge music, craft coffee, and old libraries. In his spare time, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Central Florida in the Department of Health Sciences. His research focuses on male health behaviors, testicular cancer, and male wellbeing in the clinic, the community, and the classroom. Michael is also the Founder/Chief Programs Officer of The Male Wellness Collective, an NGO based in the US, and serves on the Board of Directors for the American Society for Men’s Health. Most importantly, Michael never takes himself too seriously and believes we all need to have kinder conversations with each other.
Philippe Roy. Dr Philippe Roy is professor at the University of Sherbrooke’s School of Social Work (Canada). His research interests include gender, men, masculinities, mental health promotion, suicide prevention, and rural social work. He also teaches many courses on psychosocial intervention with Indigenous communities. He collaborates regularly with community services and health agencies for men’s health programmes, including the training for psychosocial intervention with men. He is a member of the Pôle d’expertise et de recherche en santé et bien-être des hommes (Men’s Health Research Pole), responsible for the Eastern Township region and co-responsible for the community development axis at the Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et service sociaux (Health and Social Services Research Institute).
Mohammed (Mo) Saab. Dr Mo Saab is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, Ireland. He holds a PhD in Nursing and Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from UCC. Dr Saab also holds an MSc in Advanced Practice Nursing and BSc in Nursing with distinction from the American University of Beirut. In the past, he worked as an Oncology Nurse, Palliative Care Advanced Nurse Practitioner, and Oncology Clinical Instructor. His research is primarily focused on the use of innovative technologies such as virtual reality in promoting cancer awareness among young men. Dr Saab has over 70 research outputs and was involved as PI, Co-Applicant and Collaborator in over 30 funded research projects, including a clinical trial funded by the Health Research Board to test the feasibility of using virtual reality in promoting young athletes’ awareness of testicular diseases.
Tim Shand. Tim is a PhD student and consultant exploring men’s sexual and HIV health in Malawi. Tim previously worked for Sonke Gender Justice (South Africa), IPPF (London) and WHO (Geneva). He holds a Public Health Masters from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and has published and spoken widely on men’s sexual health issues.
Dominick Shattuck. Dr Shattuck’s research focuses on the intersection of health and factors including masculinity, gender, reproductive health, COVID-19, and HIV. He has led ground-breaking studies and implementation projects that engage men and women, couples, and adolescents around their reproductive health and has pioneered programmatic content based on this expertise.
Robert Shelswell. Robert is a Nurse Practitioner with a background in Emergency Care and Event Medicine. He has a Masters Degree in Advanced Health Care Practice, and has worked as a Visiting Lecturer / Clinical Examiner at the University of Plymouth, Devon, England. He is currently leading a project entitled ‘Men’s Health in Torbay & South Devon’ seeking to influence policy change locally and nationally around health care provision for men.
James Smith. James is the Father Frank Flynn Fellow and Professor of Alcohol Harm Minimisation at Menzies School of Health Research (Australia). He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia and Editorial Advisory Board Member of the International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health. He has published widely on a range of men’s health issues, including health promotion, help-seeking and health service use, health policy, health literacy, Indigenous male health and marginalised men. He is a Fellow of the Australian Health Promotion Association and the Heart Foundation (in Australia). He also holds adjunct research positions at Charles Darwin University, Curtin University, University of Sydney and University of Saskatchewan.
Joe Strong. Joe is a Population Studies / Demography PhD Candidate at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research – “Exploring the relationships between men, masculinities and post-coital pregnancy avoidance” – is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. His working interests are focused on masculinities, gender and sexual and reproductive health and rights, in particular abortion-related care. Recent projects have included a multi-country study of adolescent abortion trajectories in partnership with Ipas and as a consultant for the WHO on maternal, newborn and child healthcare.
Gilles Tremblay. Gilles is a former professor at Laval University, Québec City (Canada) in social work. He has been involved in men’s issues for the last 40 years. All his research studies are in the field of studies on men and masculinities. He is the author or coauthor of more than 100 papers on men’s health and wellbeing. He has trained about 6,000 practitioners on how to work with more traditional men, especially according to the model he has developed with his colleague Pierre L’heureux. He chaired an expert committee on family homicides for the Quebec Department of Health and Social Services in 2011 and 2012. He is the head of the Pole of Expertise and Research on Men’s Health and Well-being which brings together 42 researchers in Quebec.
Luis Arturo Valdez, PhD, MPH, is an assistant professor at Drexel University’s (Philadelphia, PA, USA) Dornsife School of Public Health in the Department of Community Health & Prevention. Dr. Valdez is a first-generation Mexican immigrant of Yaqui and Opata lineage raised and trained in the US-Mexico borderlands. Dr. Valdez uses community-led mixed-methods approaches to understand and address the impact of systemic processes (i.e., racism & patriarchy) that perpetuate health inequities in historically marginalized populations. The work that they facilitate is community-centered and works from a foundational aim to build mutually-beneficial and ethical research collaborations with communities that foster critical consciousness, capacity building, and collective advocacy. Currently, Dr. Valdez is interested in understanding how individual-level characteristics interact with macro-level factors to influence the health-related behaviors of Latino men. Broadly, his research examines a range of behaviors related to alcohol and substance misuse, chronic stress, healthy food choice, and physical activity, with an emphasis on developing and testing scalable, multilevel, culturally-, regionally-, and gender-responsive interventions that intentionally consider the heterogeneity that exists in distinct Latinx communities in the U.S. Dr. Valdez approaches their work with an intersectional gender-transformative framework that disentangles the complex roots of inequity in aim of reshaping unequal power relations toward health equity.
Guy Whembolua. Dr. Whembolua is a Professor of Health Policy and Management in the department of Africana studies and in the College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. As a behavioral scientist, his research explores the socio-cultural determinants of health among African populations (global health) and their diasporas (health disparities). This includes within men’s health a focus on infectious diseases testing as well as attitudes towards health, prevention and access to care in Africa, Europe and the Caribbean. He is an active member of the Black Male Professors and Researchers Collective (BMPRC), which aims to provide academic role models to young Black men. He currently serves as the founding director of the University of Cincinnati Global Health program as well as the Social Justice program.
Alan White. Alan White PHD RN, is Emeritus Professor of Men’s Health at Leeds Beckett University and the Patron of the Men’s Health Forum (Great Britain). His work includes the European Commission ‘The State of Men’s Health in Europe’ Report; the State of Men’s Health in Leeds report; and a number of edited books focused onto the physical and emotional health of men, along with the Men’s Health medical textbook (Kirby et al 2021). Recently Alan completed a Position Paper on Men’s Health for the WHO (Regional Office for the Western Pacific). Alan was a member of the WHO (Europe) core group helping prepare their report on Men’s Health and is currently involved in the campaign for a Men’s Health Strategy for the UK. Further details of Alan’s work can be found at





