Doris Bardehle - board member

Doris Bardehle studied human medicine. She started her career in the University Clinic for Gynecology in Magdeburg. In the doctoral thesis, she dealt with the hormonal status after ovarectomy. In the late seventies she made her habilitation on the situation of breast cancer in Berlin-East (GDR).

Doris Bardehle is a specialist in social hygiene, medical statistics and health sciences. She worked in the Public Health Service in Berlin, the Institute for Social Hygiene Organization of the Health Care in Berlin, and the Institute for Medical Statistics and Data Processing until 1990.

From 1991 to 2006, she was responsible for health reporting at the State Institute (Landesinstitut) for the Public Health Service in North Rhine-Westphalia. She has also worked as a lecturer and since 2005 as a professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Bielefeld. Since 2012, she has been coordinating the scientific advisory board at the Foundation of Men’s Health Berlin. She is the editor of 2 Men’s Health Reports and the author of almost 100 publications.

Prof. Bardehle has been a trustee for GAMH since 2021. Germany is working towards a men’s health strategy and the establishment of Men’s Sheds. Men’s Health Weeks have been held for 6 years with increasing active participants. Participation in GAMH leads to support for the men’s health movement in Germany.

The Asia Oceania Research Organization on Genital Infection and Neoplasia (AOGIN) is recommending that "both men and women should be vaccinated" against human papillomavirus (HPV)

Men are less likely to have a trusting relationship with a health professional so miss out on health literacy and preventive health advice - article based on the @MovemberAUS Real Face of Men’s Health report

Men’s health doesn’t just affect men, it impacts everyone.

@MovemberAUS's 'The Real Face of Men’s Health' campaign calls on everyone to be part of the solution in driving change around men’s health.

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