Dr Tosin Olaluwoye - research associate

Dr Tosin Olaluwoye is GAMH’s research associate. His postdoctoral fellowship is based in the Center for Men’s Health Equity (CMHE) at Georgetown from where Tosin will be working on men’s health research projects for GAMH and also for the collaboration between GAMH, CMHE, and the Pan American Health Organisation (the WHO region for the Americas)

He trained and worked as a medical doctor in Nigeria before pursuing a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. He then obtained a PhD in Humanitarian Public Health from the same institution in 2023. His PhD thesis focused on Sexual violence perpetrated against South Sudanese men in conflict and post-conflict settings since the onset of the 2013 South Sudan conflict.

His experience with patients while working as a doctor and the paucity of data and lack of support for suffering men inspired his interest in the research. Tosin hopes to continue to conduct research that can translate into policies and actions to improve health (including its determinants) and well-being for men.

The Asia Oceania Research Organization on Genital Infection and Neoplasia (AOGIN) is recommending that "both men and women should be vaccinated" against human papillomavirus (HPV)

Men are less likely to have a trusting relationship with a health professional so miss out on health literacy and preventive health advice - article based on the @MovemberAUS Real Face of Men’s Health report

Men’s health doesn’t just affect men, it impacts everyone.

@MovemberAUS's 'The Real Face of Men’s Health' campaign calls on everyone to be part of the solution in driving change around men’s health.


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